Scoop Lights

Used Scoop Lights

Scoop lights, or Ellipsoidal Reflector Floodlights as they are properly known, are simple and intensely powerful lighting fixtures, mainly used for purposes such as rehearsals rather than live productions, as they are mostly unsuitable for specific lighting needs.

Scoop lights do not have any lens ?? rather, they just have one high-wattage lamp and are covered by a curved metal reflector dome, which creates a large, bright pool of light. They are ideal for rehearsals and also for work situations where only general lighting is needed, yet they are rarely used in actual productions or performances as there is no way for cutting or altering the size of the light beam they produce.

Some theatres have been known to use scoop lights during productions, although the occurrence is very rare. They can be used as a kind of striplight, capable of illuminating a cyclorama, or for simply flooding the stage with downlight, though Fresnel lights are the preferred tool for accomplishing this.

One Aspect of scoop lights that makes them practical for non-performance times is their cost. As they have no lens or specialized aspects, they are extremely cheap to manufacture. They are also easy to maintain, and setting them up and taking them down again can be achieved very quickly. They are also easier to operate in practice situations, as there is no need to use the light board to control them.

Scoop lights can be fitted with gels, and so it is possible to have different colored lighting with them, though simple White Light is by far the most common.

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